Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Experiment for Rating of Human Performance

Introduction: Rating is the numerical value or symbol used to denote a rate of working (BS 3138). Standard rating is the rating corresponding to the average rate at which qualified workers will naturally work, provided that they adhere to the specified method and that they are motivated to apply themselves to their work. If the standard rating is consistently maintained and the appropriate relaxation is taken, a qualified worker will achieve standard performance over the working day or shift. The British Standard rating uses a scale of 0 to no activity and 100 to standard rating.

Objective:    To test ability to rate the performance of an operation.

Equipment: Jigs and pins, stopwatch, time study rater trainer form, table of ratings

                     1. Use the forms provided for this experiment.
2. Observe the task of assembling pins using two hands.
3. Measure using stopwatch the time taken to assemble all 30 pins for 10 cycles.
4. Fill up the forms and calculate the actual rating:

     Actual rating = Standard time / Actual time

5. Calculate the difference between the actual rating and your rating: 
     Difference = Actual rating – Your rating
     Difference = Your rating – Actual rating

6. Calculate the total rating score:

       Difference of 5% or less gets 10 points
       Difference of 6% to 10% gets 5 points
       Difference of more than 10% gets 0 point

7. Plot the ratings in the graph provided.


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